#41 ~ Favorite Things Friday (3 year old’s edition)

I have been absent from the blogsphere this week. Much going on. I’ll be updating you all on the ‘projectover the weekend. Exciting stuff, people…and I will possibly need your help for a campaign I will possibly be starting….possibly.

For now…

…On to more exciting things. I’ll get back on track with highlighting some of your favorites (be sure to mention them in the comments on this post) soon, but my little one is getting the spotlight this time around. And yes, the photos were intentionally cropped. And yes, they were taken with my cell so the quality is subpar.

My daughter’s 3rd birthday was this week. She woke up especially early, toddled to my bedroom, poked her head around the door and said, “The sun is up, Mommy. It’s my burtday now??”

Who doesn’t want to be woken that way?

I told her to climb in bed with me so she could watch some of her favorite cartoons. I’ll admit, this was partially because I needed to wake up more. I’m not a morning person…much less an early morning person.

I proceeded to ask her what special breakfast she’d like for her special day. She replied, “Bagels at the res-er-naunt.” (That last word equals ‘restaurant’ for those of you who don’t speak 3 Year Old.)

I can do bagels. You know that’s on my favorite list already.

After our bagel breakfast, I asked her what she’d like to do next. I wasn’t surprised when she exclaimed, “Go to da PARK!”

The park happens to be one of my favorite places as well. Wow, we must be related or something.

Knowing that we couldn’t stay at the park all day even though the weather was amazing, I told her we could go anywhere else she’d like.  To my relief, she said, “I want a baaaalloooooon!”  and not Disney World. It’s a long drive to Disney World. We got lots of balloons.

OK, dear one, what would you like to do now that we have a car full of balloons? She wanted to go to the ‘muuusak’ store. (Again, translation for those in need: music store)

I think we have a future musician on our hands. She LOVES playing the drums, ‘geeetar’ (AKA ukulele) and the piano….and going to the music store.

I took her home where she ate her favorite lunch of PB&J and blueberry yogurt. She then took a nap…which is one of my favorites. 😉

For dinner, Daddy grilled hamburgers per her request….she was more interested in presents. Smart girl. Pretty sure this one is her favorite so far. A pink kid laptop. Insanely cute. Maybe she can help me with my spreadsheets?

My uncle sang her favorite song of the day….happy birthdayyyyyy too youuuuu.

She didn’t want a cake, but instead cupcakes. Chocolate with peanut butter filling and frosting….with Elmo on it.

It was a ‘favorite’ day spent with my favorite 3 year old.

Cost for the day: $18.48
The memories: priceless

What are some of your favorites this week?
I’ll pick a few and post them next week


  1. Mari said

    It sounds like the perfect day! Happy Birthday to her!

  2. Rachel said

    What a sweetie!! I’m glad she had a special day! Happy birthday to her!! My little guy turns 2 on Sunday, and we’re having a Elmo party tonight. That’s definitely one of his favorites!! =)

  3. KellieS said

    Mel….she is adorable. My two-year-old LOVES music too. Of course, having a name like Lyric, she should. It’s such a blessing to spend quality time with them, isn’t it?

  4. Andrea said

    That day does sound priceless! Don’t you love how kids can be so easy to please? Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!

  5. That’s so sweet and simple! Happy Birthday to your little girl!

  6. Kerry said

    I think I want to spend my birthday EXACTLY like that!

  7. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Daughter, so sweet. Thanks for sharing the love you all share.

  8. New Rene said

    Awww – sounds like the perfect birthday for a perfect little girl! I always wanted a “geetar” when I was little 😀

    My favorites this week was ~ My Roxy dog is getting all healed up after her accident (she’s my baby)! And fresh new lettuce (& all of the fixens) growing in my container garden – yum!!

  9. Rene W. said

    Sheesh! I need to remember to “log out” when I get to a word press blog o_O oops!! I’ll try this again ~

    Awww – sounds like the perfect birthday for a perfect little girl! I always wanted a “geetar” when I was little

    My favorites this week was ~ My Roxy dog is getting all healed up after her accident (she’s my baby)! And fresh new lettuce (& all of the fixens) growing in my container garden – yum!!

  10. Patrick said

    wow such cute pics! I’m sure every kid wants to spend their birthday like that

    Graco Infant Car Seat

  11. Crystal said

    So cute! I love how she say’s res-er-naunt, haha. That is adorable!!! My daughter loves that little pink laptop too. We got it for her for Christmas 🙂

  12. AWWW, that is so sweet. She is adorable. It sounds like a perfect birthday. I can only hope that mine will be as great!

  13. Jen said

    What a great day! She’s so adorable!

    My favorite things while traveling are Mack’s Pillow Silicone Earplugs and an eye mask. Earplugs block out the sounds of parties or loud neighbors. The eye mask helps me sleep better.

  14. Scrappy will be three on the 25th. I understand your daughter’s language PER fectly. I hate when they start pronouncing everything correctlly!

    Today was the last day of first grade for my oldest. I am glum.

  15. Mari said

    Hey – just checking in. Missing you and hoping all is well!

  16. Casey said

    Happy belated birthday Hope!
    from the Shaws in Virginia 🙂

  17. Mandy said

    Happy Belated Birthday to your sweet girl. 🙂 Hope all is well!

  18. Christina said

    Hey Melody! Long time no blog! Just stopping by to let you know that I look forward to your next post and I cannot wait to see what you have been up to 😀

  19. Andrea said

    Are you ok in there? My mom used to say that when we took too long in the bathroom! ha! Hope all is well. Miss your posts!

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