#9 ~ Life is like a bowl of bananas…

Who would have thought that my inspiration for today could come from my daughter’s bowl of mashed up bananas? I think of the wildest things from the most mundane moments in life. Let me explain…

I’ve been thinking a lot about how many of us have these desires to accomplish larger-than-life goals and how most will just leave it in the backs of their minds. Some will just blatantly throw their dreams out the window.

What is the reason we toss our bucket lists aside? The feeling of being inadequate has crossed my mind from time to time. I’m nobody special. I’m your average Joe, er, I mean, Jane. (No offense to any ladies named Jane.)

I want to do some big things. I want to write a book…a book people would actually want to read. I’d love to give a motivational speech and touch at least one person in a profound way. At one point in my life, I wanted to have my own talk show, but now, I’d rather just be on a talk show at least once. Nothing Jerry Springer-ish though. Those are just a few items on my bucket list that I refuse to set aside.

I haven’t been trained on how to reach my goals. All I have is a burning desire to somehow gather what I have learned throughout life and make something out of it.

So how does the bowl of mashed up bananas play into all of this?

Well, my two year old had just finished her favorite snack of bananas with milk and honey. She whined and fussed  when she realized it was all gone. She wanted more out of that bowl. All she could do was focus on the fact that it was gone. But really, it wasn’t. I told her to calm down and asked her to watch as I scraped the sides of the bowl. I gathered another big spoonful of mush.

She looked up at me and said, “You did it, Mommy!”

That last bite satisfied her. She didn’t beg for more, but instead, got down from her seat and looked around the room for something fun to do now that she was full.

I stopped right there and thought about how that’s life. We can either look at ourselves as scattered leftovers from a bunch of life events that don’t add up to much or we can gather the remnants and see how full our spoon really is….and be satisfied, then move on. Don’t sit there just crying about wanting more. Realize that you didn’t go through all these crazy life events for nothing. Every bite of life has left you just the right amount of residual to fill your spoon.

I’ve had moments this past week where I thought the ‘project’ was too huge for me. I’ve felt empty because of its hugeness. (By the way, it’s not one of the items mentioned above.) The ‘project’ is on a national scale. Now, I know I’m physically tall, but I have never thought myself as nationally-sized-big. Maybe state-sized Rhode Island or Connecticut, but not national.

Today, I’m gathering my banana mush on my spoon.

I have another conference call with Mr. Pres and VP tomorrow. I’ll be reporting about the research I completed last week. I’ll leave out the ‘mashed up bananas’ story. I’m moving on…

“If we did all the things that we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” – Thomas Edison

photo by chamanit

©2010 Melody G. Fritchley


  1. Courtney said

    Your ability to analyze moments like this and make them meaningful lessons are exactly why I would read and reread whatever book(s) you write! I tell my tween the same thing, sort of. Mostly when she was younger she would cry when a fun activity was over. I would tell her not to cry that it was finished and she had to do something else now, but to smile and laugh and be grateful that she was able to do whatever it was in the first place. 🙂

  2. Michele said

    Your words make me think, take a step back and look at things differently!! I think its what a lot of us need. Take all your Blogs., and create a book!! Id buy it.

  3. Jordan said

    I love this post! This is so inspiring, Melody!

    I always thought it would be fun to have a talk show, too…because what’s more fun that talking? Well, maybe shoe shopping… Maybe we should start a podcast and then Oprah will discover it and we’ll become her next Rachel Ray. 😉

    P.S. remind me to tell you the General story at my show next week–it’s actually Ben’s story, but I tell it all the time, because it’s about how it’s never too late to start something new and astound yourself.

  4. Kerry said

    I fully admit to not having your ambition. My “bucket list” (by the way, I thought you were trying to come up with a better term for that?) doesn’t have any change the world goals on it. Instead it has things like travel,attend Wimbledon, see a Broadway play, and meet Ewan McGregor on it. Frivolous goals at best! So I do admire you greatly, but you exhaust me too.


  5. Andrea said

    WOW, you should do a motivational speech to a large audience! And if you write a book, I’ll be on the preorder list. This post speaks to me so much, I will be 40 this year and I keep going back and forth in my mind with “what have I accomplished in my life?”. I will continue to scrape my mush!!

    On another note, if you are ever in Houston, I’d love to sit in a Starbucks and laugh my head off with you!

  6. Chrystal said

    Well said and very true!!

  7. Mari said

    What a wonderful post! I love how you took that moment and turned it into a lesson. I also loved what she said – “You did it Mommy!” Aren’t kids great?

  8. Tricia said

    So we need to rephrase the popular quote to “life is like a bowl of bananas!”hehe! P.s. It’s killing me not knowing! Can you give us a hint as to when (like in a few weeks, months, a year) this huge thing will be known to us devoted followers?

  9. Devra said

    Such a wonderful post Melody. You definitely have made me stop and think. God Bless

  10. Rachael said

    Fantastic Post!!!! So true and inspiring………..

  11. BrianJUY said

    It’s all about living life without regrets, living for today and looking towards the future… and really identifying what’s important in life to accomplish… For me anyway…

    Instead of “Bucket List”, what about “Living List”? What you want to accomplish while you’re living… because a lot of people stop living a long time before they kick the bucket…

  12. LeighAnne said

    You have a way of looking at life and finding meaning in the simplistic things! I also have scraped up the leftovers of my daughters oatmeal and pudding (I’ll have to try the bananas w/milk and honey) and helped her get the last bite. But then I simply rinsed the bowl and put it into the dishwasher as my satisfied daughter went on to something new. You could totally publish your blogs as a book!!! Write a screen play and make a movie out of them! 🙂

  13. Melody, you’re awesome. Thank you for taking such an everyday thing, and showing me that it has meaning. On top of reminding me to be satisfied with life, you’re also reminding me that every moment can be teachable or useable. I really appreciate your blog! Keep it up!

  14. I’m feeling the “nothing left in the bowl” these days … I need to find my greater purpose. So many ideas but the passion for one thing specific has not yet risen to the top of the banana mush.

  15. Heather said

    That’s an amazing way to look at things. I’m definitely going to have to keep that in mind.

    I love that you’re interviewing people about completing items on their “Bucket lists”. I have a blog dedicated to mine. Well, it’s more like a bucket list with a deadline. This is my second list and I love not only crossing things off the list, but also getting the most I can out of each adventure.

    Love your blog. Thanks so much for sharing it with us all.

  16. Tiffany said

    Once again…. you amaze me my tall friend. I’m so incredibly excited to see what you have in store for everyone!!!

    And your kid…. she’s pure joy!

  17. Joey said

    I’m relieved she was satisfied by that last spoonful! Mine would want me to make more and then not eat it. Ends up being a different metaphor!

  18. Crystal said

    Wow! That was beautiful! I know you’re going to reach those goals. You’ve definitely got the right mind set. I can totally see you as a talk show host or giving a motivational public speech. You’re a very inspiring person. I get excited about life when I read your blog 🙂

  19. Shelly said

    Melody–great analogy….bananas and the left-overs in our life. When we scrape it all up, “my spoon runneth over!”

    Say, have you ever seen that You-Tube video about how a monkey “opens” their banana? You have to teach Hope–it’s really funny to watch. Makes us humans look pretty ridiculous…all the cutting, tearing, twisting and ripping we do to open a banana, and the monkeys just simply “open” it. I am not gonna spoil it for you..this is not a joke. Go check it out. Then people will think you have the smartest 2-year-old around (but we already knew that, didn’t we!)

  20. Michelle Zamora said

    Wow…love this Melody…can’t wait to find out more. Love the blog!!!
    Here is my blog..more a family one than a daily one…http://dannyzamorafamily.blogspot.com/

  21. Sharon Gales said

    I like banana, milk, honey and ice cubes in a blender. Sometimes I add blueberries or strawberries. Does that get me a prize??

  22. tattytiara said

    Even a tiny ember can relight the fire.

  23. Kim said

    I absolutly love reading your posts!! They are very inspiritional!! I’m trying to achieve a goal on my bucket list and reading your posts gives me that extra push I need sometimes. THANKS!!

  24. Roni Marie said

    I understand how Hope feels…wow, what a great feeling when you hear the words, “you did it mommy”…priceless Melody~!

  25. Kristin said

    I stopped dreaming big a few years back. It’s time to start again!!

  26. Kristin said

    Oh and I’ll talk to Meg about the interview!

  27. ALE518 said

    Mel…I am adding reading new blog entries to “Taco Tuesday” as a time hack as I continue on my ‘trip’…thank you for writing such entertaining vingettes…looking forward to reading the next installment! 😉

  28. Melissa B. said

    I’m determined to get back to my bucket list…if I could only get all these papers graded! 🙂

    The Saturday Sphinx

  29. Roz said

    Seriously Mel, there is nothing you can’t do or accomplish. You motivate us all to go after our dreams in our life! Good luck on your call!

  30. My children teach me so much about life, Melody. I am always finding inspiration in the mundane so finding it in a bowl of bananas does not sound strange to me in the least. I’m not sure if our focus changes and we start to notice the “little things” more or if they are just so infinite in their innocent wisdom…I suspect it could be both.

    Beautifully written.

  31. Tezsia said

    VERY well said!

  32. Date Girl said

    I love that idea-taking the “leftovers” and making something where you thought there was nothing. Well written! I need to sit down and really define my goals, and make my list. You’re motivating!

  33. […] 10, 2010 at 4:05 am · Filed under Uncategorized Ever since the “Life is like a bowl of bananas” analogy hit me like a ton of bricks, I’ve been thinking. (I know, scary. ) I’ve been […]

  34. Anna said

    Toddler’s bring out the best “ah-ha” moments! From a spoonful of banana mush to picking up your spoon & seeing all the left-overs you have in life. I love those mommy revelations!

  35. […] also blog about random things life teaches me. Mashed bananas have taught me a thing or two.  I quoted my teenaged-self on this post. And here I talk about how […]

  36. […] also blog about random things life teaches me. Mashed bananas have taught me a thing or two.  I quoted my teenaged-self on this post. And here I talk about how […]

  37. sell Jewelry

    #9 ~ Life is like a bowl of bananas

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